GoogleAnalyticsWIdget is provided by Apperceptive .
This MovableType plugin has two problems.
Problem 1. Perl Module 'Crypt::SSLeay' is needed.
See about Crypt::SSLeay at CPAN
If the module was not installed on your server,
this plugin doesn't work.
In that case, you will see below:
"Request failed at /web/htdocs/ line 103."
Problem 2. GoogleAnalyticsWidget do not work on MT4.1.
When you use MT4.0, this plugin should work regularly.
(I have not tryed it on MT4.0. Because I started to use MT version 4.1.)
But if MT version is upgraded to 4.1,
this plugin can not work regularly.
The reason is that GoogleAnalyticsWidget uses regular expression to
recognize the point to which a tag to show the graph is inserted in template.
The dashboard template would be changed with version up.
Here I put a modified version of GoogleAnalyticsWidget which can adapt to MT4.1.
Please unzip this.
Although this plugin can work on MT4.1,
it doesn't work on MT4.2(beta RC).
I know why.
So I will release another version of this soon.
If you have some trouble or need help,
please notice that in comment.
(Added on 2009/4/30)
Here I put GoogleAnalyticsWidget for MT4.2
GoogleAnalyticsWidget(GAW) uses MT library named "MT::App::CMS::generate_dashboard_stats".
But, this method has been moved to "MT::CMS::Dashboard::generate_dashboard_stats" in MT4.2.
This point is differece between GAW for MT4.1 and MT4.2.
See also GoogleAnalyticsWidget on MT4.23 albeit the article was written in Japanese.